Useful Bass Techniques - An example of how to produce a simple development blog....


Here are the bass Techniques I looked at over the weeks:

My target is to improve my range of techniques; My equipment and my individual sound.

Here is the kit I put together for 'Blues in the Pews':

The Orange Tiny Terror, paired with my marshall cab is the rig we put together for my brother in law to match my rig.

I looked at these techniques and adapted them where possible into our setlist.
Tony Levin, tones and techniques. This made me want to explore an octaver.
How to identify problems with my technique:

Useful for looking at how I play my Uke bass:

Looking at how to properly use my new octave pedal:

Bass exercises for warming up...

Bass exercises in different styles...!

Here is a demonstration of my live bass techniques with Mossflower. I have experimented with the bass tone of building my own Jazz bass from parts with the addition of a pedalboard chain of: Compression, Octaver for thickness, and a Bass Soul Food. All designed to control and thicken the sound - essential for a three-piece.
I am now experimenting with adding more chords as well as licks and getting used to the three bass amps I now use for different gigs, having abandoned the rack unit I put together for the bass.


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